Mariposa Fire

Central Valley ‘Hot Shots’ On The Ground In Puerto Rico

A crew of Central Valley ‘Hot Shots’, the highly trained California firefighters who take on the most dangerous tasks, are in Puerto Rico to help that island nation recover from Hurricane Maria. At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much in common between a California wildfire and the massive hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico. Fire destroys a vast swash of land in flame and hurricanes do their damage with wind and water. But look a little closer at the aftermath and the hot shots say the two disasters have more in common than one might suspect. Valley Public Radio’s Jeffrey Hess spoke with the ‘hot shot’ Kurt Wadenius about what they expect to encounter and how they think they can help. What are the similarities between a fire and a hurricane? “From what I understand, we are going to clear vegetation out of roads. Which is a fire situation is kind of our expertise. Which is clearing the vegetation and fuels. So, I believe we are going to clear the vegetation out of the road in

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