Mariposa Fire

Covered California Insurance Plans Could Be More Affordable This Year. Here’s Why:

For years, one of the most powerful and consistent Republican criticism of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is that the monthly premiums are going up so fast that they are quickly becoming unaffordable and that the whole law was on the verge of collapse. President Donald Trump, in part, rode a wave of anti-Obamacare sentiment all the way to the White House. While Republican plans for full legislative repeal have stalled, that has not stopped the President from taking executive action to undermine it. But one executive order, in particular, might have had the opposite effect and actually made Affordable Care Act health insurance plans many affordable for over a million of people in California. Following the collapse of the ACA repeal effort, President Trump began looking around for parts of the law he could change on his own. He settled on ending something called Cost Sharing Reduction payments. These are payments the law mandates the federal government give to

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