Mariposa Fire

Fresno residents want the city to protect renters

In housing matters, advocates in Fresno say it’s time to crack down on bad landlords.

Groups like No More Slumlords, Faith in Community and Tenants Together stood together at Fresno City Hall to give councilmembers a list of demands. The coalition wants more protection for struggling renters, stronger enforcement of existing laws and a new ordinance that requires that units are fit to rent.

The city says safe housing is a priority and only receives about two housing complaints a week.

"Many of these families are struggling daily in an unhealthy environment because these slumlords refuse to hear their pleas for help," Ruben Sarate, from the Central Labor Council said. 

"My code enforcement team has been available and is available to respond to any complaints and concerns, and we’ll continue to respond to those," Jennifer Clark, the Fresno Director of Development said. 

If you have a safety or sanitation complaint where you live, you can call the City of Fresno at 621-CITY.

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