Mariposa Fire

Miracle Or Hoax? UC Merced Students Attempt To Recreate Remarkable, Mysterious ‘Starlite’ Material

Thirty years ago, a BBC program called Tomorrow’s World captivated viewers with a seemingly simple demonstration: A blowtorch pointed directly at an egg . Its shell slowly blackens, but it neither cracks nor erupts in flames. “This is no ordinary egg,” warns presenter Peter Macann with a smile. Macann explains that the egg has been coated in “a remarkable new plastic,” something that looks akin to a white, putty-like paste. Macann strolls to stage right to discuss fireproofing technology in airplanes, and after three minutes, he returns to see what’s come of the egg. Where it was exposed to the flame, the white coating has charred and crusted over, but the egg otherwise appears untouched. “[The egg] hasn’t broken up at all, and you can see here it’s glowing red hot,” Macann explains . He then turns the blowtorch off, picks up the egg with his bare hand, and cracks it over a glass bowl. It appears as raw as any fresh egg, runny yolk and all. Broadcast in 1990, this episode of Tomorrow’s

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