Mariposa Fire

Over A Hundred Organizations And Community Leaders Endorsed It, So Why Didn’t Measure P Pass?

If Measure P had passed, it would have created a 3/8 cent sales tax to fund parks and trail maintenance, and arts programming over the next thirty years. The “Yes on P” campaign was advocating for safe, clean parks. But in one advertisement from a Measure P opposition group , called “Fresnans for a Safer Community, No on P,” Police Chief Jerry Dyer says this: “We oppose Measure P because it takes away our ability to hire the additional personnel needed to keep Fresno safe.” It’s comments like these that have infuriated Sandra Celedon. She’s the executive director of Fresno Building Healthy communities. She thinks the opponents of Measure P were intentionally deceptive. “There was over a hundred organizations that endorsed Measure P, and only four groups that opposed it, and that was our mayor, the Chamber of C ommerce, the Fresno police association and the fire department,” says Celedon. “So this really boils down to just greed. They wanted to show force, they wanted to show that they

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