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PolitiFact California: Mostly True: Latinos 40 Percent Less Likely To Call Police When Victims Of A Crime

In her first official speech on the U.S. Senate floor, Sen. Kamala Harris said President Trumps executive actions “have hit our immigrant and religious communities like a cold front, striking a chilling fear in the hearts of millions of good hardworking people.” The California Democrat went on to say that rather than making communities safe, Trumps immigration raids and policies will make immigrants less likely to report crimes for fear theyll be deported. “For this reason,” Harris said in her Feb. 16, 2017 speech, “studies have shown Latinos are more than 40 percent less likely to call 911 when they have been a victim of a crime.” Harris makes her claim at about the 7:40 minute mark in the video above. With so much focus in California on Trumps immigration orders , we decided to fact-check Harriss claim. Our research As evidence, a spokesman for Harris pointed to a 2013 study by a professor at the University of Chicago, Illinois, called ” Insecure Communities: Latino Perceptions of

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