Mariposa Fire

Remembrance Wall makes final stop in Clovis

A unique traveling memorial wall is making its final stop in the Valley before being retired.

The Wall of Remembrance is on display at Clovis Hills Community Church where it’s educating children about the war on terror and highlighting local heroes. It’s a little different than the memorial walls that we have seen stop through here in the Valley. This one has the names of people that have been lost in the World Trade Center, rescue workers and military members.

A group of middle school kids from Clark Intermediate learned about 9/11 today by visiting the Global War on Terrorism Wall of Remembrance. Some of these kids weren’t born when the attacks on the World Trade Center happen others were too young to remember. Today they learned the names of some local heroes who lost their lives fighting against terrorism.

The wall’s stop in Clovis almost didn’t happen. The founder of the wall had planned to retire the wall on Veteran’s Day in Sacramento, but the Veteran’s Ministry Leader at Clovis Hills Community Church kept insisting they make a stop in the Valley.

The remembrance will be at the Clovis Hills Community Church through the weekend. Tomorrow starting at 11 a.m. there will be a Veteran’s Health and Resources Fair.

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