Mariposa Fire

School Health Care Workers Weigh In On Students Returning To Campus – COVID-19 Update For April 9

The end of the pandemic may finally be approaching: With 1.2 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine administered in the San Joaquin Valley, 15 percent of adults have now been fully vaccinated, and another 12 percent have received at least one dose. Meanwhile, all Valley counties have now advanced out of the purple, most restrictive tier of the state’s reopening blueprint, signifying what is hopefully the last stretch in the return to normalcy for California’s businesses and places of worship before Governor Gavin Newsom plans to fully reopen the state’s economy in mid-June. A reopening economy also means local middle and high schools can finally open their doors, and students are already returning to campuses across the Valley after a tumultuous year. So what has a year of remote learning meant for those school employees charged with keeping students healthy, and what could a return to campus mean for students grappling with grief, trauma and learning loss? This week’s COVID update

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