Mariposa Fire

Shasta-Trinity NF Fy15 Prescribed Fire (Prescribed Fire)

Annual Prescribed Fire Notification – 2014 – 2015 Annually, the Shasta-Trinity National Forest implements prescribed fire projects. As part of a fuels management program., each project has specific objectives involving reduction of hazardous fuels. The forest fuels and vegetation management program analyzes techniques to treat areas using a combination of methods. One treatment option is mechanical thinning and application of prescribed fire to treat the residual slash. Following a mechanical thinning, sites may be prepared for prescribed fire which can involve piling material or constructing firelines (boundaries) for a broadcast fire application. A few other tasks involved in a prescribed fire application include; preparing a prescribed fire plan, assessing fuel conditions, reviewing weather forecasts prior to ignition, and setting up monitoring points. This briefly summarizes some of the prescribed fire aspects in the fire management program. Generally, the Shasta-Trinity…

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