Tuesday , May 21 2024

Friday the hottest day so far in the Valley

Triple digit heat made for dangerous conditions for those working in the  Central Valley.

Fresno City Fire needed extra firefighters at a house fire on Thorne Avenue because of the scorching heat.

"The typical duration for the crews is 15 to 20 minutes. We rotate them during the heat of the day. The core temperature goes up significantly with the amount of gear we have on," Battalion Chief Todd Tuggle said.

Four people were displaced. The fire destroyed one home and heavily damaged another.

Jeffrey ash lives at the home that was destroyed. He says it started on a fence and quickly spread.

"Very hot. I had a clear path to get to the hose but I couldn’t get within 10 feet of it because the heat was so intense," Ashe said.

Those evacuated waited in the shade dripping in sweat. A rest station was set up for firefighters with cold drinks an ice.

"Their blood pressure, their pulse is monitored and we make sure their core temperature has come down to a reasonable level," Tuggle said.

At Woodward Park a crew setting up the Shakespeare Festival had their own heat hazards.

"The equipment gets very hot so we are worried about making sure everything is safe enough so that we don’t set any of Fresno’s wonderful brown grass on fire," Farrah Johnson said.

She got there three house before the show to start setting up. She says the heat has a bigger affect on the crew than the audience.

"It is a little rough. On hotter days we have a lot less people. But the cool thing is we start at eight o’clock and that’s the perfect time it starts cooling down," Johnson said.

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