Thursday , May 2 2024

ISIS forum draws religious leaders and law enforcement

Religious leaders and law enforcement leaders shared one stage in Fresno Wednesday night.

They came together to address concerns over the terror group ISIS.

A forum was held at the Islamic Cultural Center. The goal was to address the difference between ISIS and Muslims who live in our area.

The forum comes as ISIS says they will launch attacks against the U.S. over the 4th of July holiday.

It was a gathering of leaders in the Fresno community. Members of different faiths: Islam, Christian and Jewish. And law enforcement from the local and federal levels. All to address concerns over ISIS.

"ISIS is an evil organization. No one should be deceived by their propaganda or their agenda," said Imam Seyed Ali Ghazvini. He is a religious leader at the Islamic Cultural Center in Fresno. He helped to lead the panel to help clarify the position of mainstream Muslims when it comes to ISIS.

"Mainstream Muslims reject very clearly, they express their moral outrage against ISIS in every single occasion that was possible," Ghazvini said.

Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer felt it was important to stand beside members of the Muslim community.

"I know that sometimes when you have a lot of notoriety of organizations like ISIS and some of the things they’re involved in, in terms of terrorist acts. sometimes that spills over to folks that are of the islamic faith, and unfairly so," Dyer said.

ISIS has launched brutal attacks recently in France, Kuwait and Tunisia. And threatened violence against the U.S. over the 4th of July.

"We know the danger from ISIS could really come at any minute. they encourage lone wolves, which means they encourage people individually to take violent action without direction from anyone," said Fresno sheriff Margaret Mims.

ISIS has successfully used social media like Facebook and Twitter to recruit new followers.

A representative from the FBI asked those in attendance to keep a watchful eye and report anything suspicious.

"Please, call us, even if you don’t think it’s a big deal. We are here to help and to make sure our community stays safe. But i can’t do it without your involvement," said Marty Robinson with the FBI.

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