Disaster Council
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Disaster Council shall be as follows:
The declared purposes of this chapter are to provide for the preparation and carrying out of plans for the protection of persons and property within Mariposa County in the event of an emergency and to provide for the coordination of the emergency functions of this county with all other public agencies, corporations, organizations and affected private persons.
It shall be the duty of the Disaster Council and it is empowered, to review and recommend for adoption by the County Board of Supervisors emergency preparedness and mutual aid plans and agreements and such ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations as are necessary to implement such plans and agreements. The Disaster Council shall meet at least annually upon the call of the chair or, in his absence from the County or inability to call such meeting, upon the call of the vice-chair.
El Portal Planning Advisory Committee
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the El Portal Planning Committee shall be as follows:
To: (1) provide Town representation and recommendations in any collaborative planning effort with the National Park Service for the El Portal Administrative Site; prepare and recommend a collaborative plan for the El Portal Town Planning Area; (2) prepare applicable implementation regulations – such as zoning and design review – for the Town Plan to be adopted by the Board of Supervisors and recommend appropriate development standards for collaboration between the County and National Park Service; and (3) make recommendations to the Planning Commission and other bodies on planning-related projects and other matters as directed by the Board of Supervisors.
Mariposa County Fire Advisory Committee (MCFAC)
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Mariposa County Fire Advisory Committee shall be as follows:
To make recommendation for fire related issues to the Board of Supervisors, which will facilitate the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the Countywide Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CCWPP) and other needed fire plans, strategies, goals and documents (For the full purpose and functions see Res. 19-303)
First 5 of Mariposa County
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the First 5 of Mariposa County shall be as follows:
Create and implement a comprehensive, collaborative, and integrated system of information and services to promote, support, and optimize early childhood development from the prenatal stage to five (5) years of age.
Fish Camp Town Planning Advisory Council
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Fish Camp Town Planning Advisory Council shall be as follows:
This Committee is appointed as an advisory group to the County Planning Commission and also serves as a resource group and as such should provide information and suggestions to prospective developers upon request.. . . . . . (Additional duties see page 3, Res. 00-96).
Greeley Hill Planning Advisory Committee
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Greeley Hill Planning Advisory Committee shall be as follows:
To: (1) prepare and recommend a Plan; (2) prepare applicable implementation regulations – such as zoning and design review – for the Plan to be adopted by the Board of Supervisors; and (3) make recommendations to the Planning Commission and other bodies on planning-related projects and other matters as directed by the Board of Supervisors.
Historic Sites and Records Preservation Commission
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Historic Sites and Records Preservation Council shall be as follows:
To: (1) prepare and recommend a Plan; (2) prepare applicable implementation regulations – such as zoning and design review – for the Plan to be adopted by the Board of Supervisors; and (3) make recommendations to the Planning Commission and other bodies on planning-related projects and other matters as directed by the Board of Supervisors.
Housing Program Advisory Committee
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Housing Program Advisory Committee shall be as follows:
The Housing Program Advisory Committee is established as an advisory group to the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors. The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Committee shall be as follows:
- Formulate, design, implement and participate in a public and stakeholder engagement program to ensure full participation by the community and stakeholders in the housing programs planning process required by the referenced 2014 -2019 Mariposa County Housing Element Program 2.1;
- Identify, evaluate and recommend the implementation of feasible programs to address the housing needs of all economic segments of the community, including the needs of special populations such as the homeless, disabled, elderly and seasonal workers;
- Support the work of staff and consultants in the conduct of fact-finding and data gathering necessary to identify housing programs and related operation, administration and management of such programs;
- Identify, evaluate and recommend to the Board of Supervisors management and administrative frameworks, operations, best practices and inter-governmental and public-private partner relationships to ensure the successful, permanent, ongoing operation of housing programs;
- Provide periodic assessment, evaluation and feedback to the Board of Supervisors regarding the success of programs and related administration and management approved for implementation;
- Coordinate with other public agencies, and with for profit and non-profit entities to identify and facilitate implementation of housing programs; and
- Identify, evaluate, recommend and facilitate the acquisition of grant and other funding to facilitate the development of housing for extremely low, very low, low, and moderate incomes and for populations with special housing needs.
In Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee (IHSS)
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the In Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee shall be as follows:
The role of the Committee is to (1) submit recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on the preferred mode of services to be utilized in the County for IHSS; and (2) provide ongoing advice and recommendation regarding IHSS related to the delivery of Vervices to the Board of Supervisors, and administrative body in the County that is related to the delivery and administration of IHSS, and the Governing body and Administrative Agency of the public authority, non-profit consortium, contractor and public employees.
Law Library Trustees
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Law Library Trustees shall be as follows:
To insure maintenance and updating of the Law Library.
Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo)
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Local Area Formation Commission shall be as follows:
To review and approve/disapprove proposals for formation of, or annexation to, special districts. Assures orderly formation of local governmental agencies based upon local conditions and circumstances.
Status | Committee Information | Vacancies | Authority | Department |
Active | LAFCo | Two (2) | Government Code Section 56329 LAFCo Resolutions | Planning |
Local Child Care Planning Council
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Local Child Care Planning Council shall be as follows:
To serve as a forum to address the child care needs of all families and for all child care programs, both subsidized and non-subsidized in Mariposa County.
Local Enforcement Agency Hearing Panel (LEA)
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Local Enforcement Agency shall be as follows:
To conduct hearings, determine the facts and issue binding decisions pertaining to the County Solid Waste Management Plan and other solid waste issues in Mariposa County.
Local Transportation Commission Technical Advisory Committee
Purpose: The purpose and functions of the Local Transportation Commission Technical Advisory Committee shall be as follows:
To make recommendations to the LTC on matters such as the Regional Transportation Plan, and the annual transportation planning Work Program.