Tenaya Lodge Zip Line & Summerdale Project (SCH 2018051041)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY: The Mariposa County Planning Department has received an application from Delaware North Parks and Resorts at Tenaya Lodge, Inc. (DN). DN proposes to install recreational and dining facilities on the Tenaya Lodge property. The proposed facilities include:
1. A Zipline Canopy Tour to be installed on the west and north sides of the Tenaya Lodge property and will include approximately 6 zip line traverses and 2 sky bridges. An access pathway and one Zip Line support tree are proposed on the Tenaya Cottages parcel.
2. Associated trails to access the entry and exit points of the Zipline Canopy Tour.
3. Paving existing dirt access pathways to allow improved access for service vehicles to the Summerdale area and portions of the Zipline Canopy Tour course.
4. Summerdale Seasonal Dining Improvements, including replacing the existing service building and adding permanent restrooms at the facility in compliance with County Building codes.
5. The existing Sierra and Jackalopes Restaurants in the Main Lodge will be remodeled to increase the indoor seating capacity.
6. A Challenge Course may be incorporated into the Zipline Canopy Tour and would be located in the Summerdale area.
The project is proposed at the existing Tenaya Lodge Resort site on Assessor Parcel Number 010-410-012. An access pathway and one Zip line tree are proposed to be located on the Tenaya Cottages Parcel APN 010-410-013. The project has two land uses Resort Commercial and Single Family Residential 2 ½ acre. The proposed uses require a Specific Plan Land Use Amendment of the Single Family Residential 2 ½ acres portion of the Tenaya Lodge parcel (approximately 16.3 acres) to Resort Commercial land use for the proposed facilities and activities. Conditional Use Permit (CUP 204) site plans would be amended to include the proposed Resort Commercial land uses and facilities proposed. The Tenaya Cottages Conditional Use Permit (CUP 241) site plan requires amendment to include the access walkway and Zip line improvements.
Project Planner: Steve Engfer
Email Steve Engfer
Tenaya Lodge Zip Line & Summerdale Project Hearings
The following links provide the public hearing notices and project documents:
*Project staff reports are typically available one week before the hearing date.