The Missouri Gulch Workforce Housing Design Project will complete the design, engineering, and environmental work for a proposed housing development on the Missouri Gulch site in the town of Mariposa. The workforce housing development will be designed in partnership with a Collaborative Stakeholder Committee, comprised of representatives from Yosemite National Park, Yosemite Conservancy, Mariposa County Unified School District, the Alliance for Community Transformations, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, the Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation, Mariposa County Veterans Services, and two resident members.
This Project implements a key recommendation from Mariposa County’s Integrated Mobility & Housing Strategy (IMHS), adopted by the Board of Supervisors in January 2023. The IMHS envisions transit-oriented development in a rural context, with housing and transportation that connects Mariposa with its major workforce center, Yosemite National Park. The plan details new models for workforce housing that increase affordability and supply of housing, while offering a mode shift away from single car commuting to shuttle service and group transportation.
The Missouri Gulch site is owned by Yosemite Conservancy (YC), a partner on this project. The site encompasses three adjacent parcels, totaling 9.7 acres, and was identified in the IMHS as a priority site for implementation, “Throughout the development of this project, this site has risen to the top because of its prime location within the town of Mariposa, the development potential with excellent access to infrastructure and services, including transportation, and the key partners involved…”
The Missouri Gulch Workforce Housing Design Project is supported by California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities program with funds from California’s General Fund. The grant period is September 2024 to August 2026.
Collaborative Committee Public Meeting Notes
Made up of representatives from the Yosemite Conservancy, Alliance for Community Transformations, Mariposa County Unified School District, Veterans Services, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, Mariposa County Government, Yosemite National Park, and Mariposa County residents, the Missouri Gulch Collaborative Committee guides the project based on input from important stakeholders in the community. View the public meeting notes below: