Updates starting January 1st, 2024
Senate Bill 2 requires that the firearms training course for initial CCW applications be a minimum of 16 hours and for CCW renewal applications by a minimum of 8 hours - Penal Code 26165.
- If applying for a NEW Concealed Carry Weapon license a course approved by the County Sheriff’s Office must be completed prior to permit issuance. This course will be a minimum of 16 hours.
- If applying for a RENEWAL Concealed Carry Weapon license, an 8 hour course approved by the County Sheriff’s Office must be completed prior to permit issuance.
- The applicant is the recorded owner, with the Department of Justice, of the pistol, revolver, or other firearm for which the license will be issued
Character reference: You will need to provide the names and contact information of three persons willing to serve as references. One of the three must be a person described in Penal Code section 273.5, subdivision (b) (your spouse, or former spouse, your cohabitant or former cohabitant, your fiancée, or someone with whom you have, or previously had, an engagement or dating relationship, or the mother or father of your child), if applicable. At least one of the three must be your cohabitant if applicable.
California's law requires concealed weapon permit applicants to satisfy specific criteria before being issued a license. The requirements are as follows:
- Residency: All applicants must provide proof that they are a resident of the County of Mariposa.
- Acceptable proof of residency must be TWO of the following (must be current within the last 90 days AND in applicants name with physical residential address):
- Utility bill (PG&E, Water, Garbage, Cable, Home Phone, Solar, Internet, Propane Delivery bill) No cell phone bills
- Current mortgage statement
- Current Lease/Rental agreement
- Current Mariposa County voting record
- Current Mariposa County Property Tax Bill with homeowners’ exemption
- Identification: Applicant MUST have a California DL or ID with a Mariposa County address (Physical or PO Box)
- Training: Must attend and successfully complete a Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office approved training course. Applicant must qualify with each weapon that they wish to put on their initial or renewal permit.
In order to obtain a CCW permit from the Mariposa County Sheriff Office, the applicant must complete the following steps:
- Apply online using the following link HTTPS://MARIPOSACA.PERMITIUM.COM/CCW/START
- Making any intentionally false statements on the application is a crime (Penal Code 12051) and can be prosecuted either as a misdemeanor or a felony.
- The CCW application, while processed as confidential, is not a privileged document. Information divulged in the application is subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
- Prior to or after the application process applicants are required to attend a Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office approved training/ qualification course and provide their certificate. Training must be done within 90 days of application.
- Applicants MUST submit the following documents: A valid California driver's license or California identification, 2 (two) proof of residency and qualification certificate.
- Once application is submitted and fee is paid, the applicant contacts the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office to schedule their livescan appointment (the livescan price is included in the application fee). The clearance from the Department of Justice may take from 1 month to 4 months.
- Once Livescan results come in, the CCW Coordinator will call the applicant to schedule a phone interview.
- Once application has been approved, the CCW coordinator will send an automated message stating to call our office to schedule an appointment to pick up your CCW permit.
In order to obtain a CCW permit from the Mariposa County Sheriff Office, the applicant must complete the following steps:
- Fill out renewal application HTTPS://MARIPOSACA.PERMITIUM.COM/CCW/START
- Prior to or after the application process applicants are required to attend a Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office approved training/ qualification course and provide their certificate. Training must be done within 90 days of application.
- Applicants MUST submit the following documents: A valid California driver's license or California identification, 2 (two) proof of residency and qualification certificate.
- Once application has been approved, the CCW coordinator will send an automated message stating to call our office to schedule an appointment to pick up your CCW permit.
CCW Frequently Asked Questions For assistance or more information please contact the CCW Permit Coordinator at 209-966-3615 ext. 2224.
- Pick‑up times are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 11:30am and 1:00pm to 2:30pm by appointment ONLY
Stage Stop Gun Shop | Atwater | (209) 358-4867 |
JLPFI - John Lewis | Coarsegold | (559) 349-3833 |
Bill & Cathy Tidwell | Coulterville | (209) 878-3056 |
Rainey Mays Gun Shop | El Nido | (310) 591-6193 |
Weapons Training School | Long Barn | (209) 532-6677 |
Chris Williams Firearms Training | Fresno / Madera | (559) 994-1261 |
Ernie Rodrigues | Fresno/ Madera | (559) 304-8611 |
Steve Carrillo | Madera | (559) 353-0267 |
Hammer Stryke | Mariposa | (209) 614-1718 |
Hard Focus Firearms | Merced | (209) 564-0332 |
M2 Firearms Training | Merced | (209) 386-7344 |
Madison Society Foundation | Oakdale | (209) 318-5730 |
Jim Bernardi Firearms | Oakhurst | (559) 683-5869 |
pistOl qualification for live-fire shooting exercise:
- 10 yards, 5 rounds center mass
- 7 yards, 5 rounds while walking to cover (diagonal) at 5 yards. Reload behind cover and 5 rounds into center mass utilizing cover.
- 3 yards, 5 rounds center mass
- Passing percentage 100% of rounds on (b-27 or similar sized) silhouette target
- Unsatisfactory firearms safety, familiarity, or weapons handling will result in an automatic failure
No resident has the right to a permit, nor is the Sheriff required to issue a permit. By law, the Sheriff has the discretion to approve or deny a CCW permit initial or renewal, as well as revoke permits that have already been issued.
A permit may contain any reasonable restrictions or conditions on its use. Restrictions or conditions (if any) are imposed at the sole discretion of the Sheriff. Receipt by the Sheriff’s Office of a CCW permit application does not guarantee the issuance of a permit.