Camping and sleeping in a vehicle is only allowed in campsites you are registered to stay in. If campgrounds are full, you must find a campground elsewhere to stay in. If all open campgrounds in the park are full, you must leave the park to camp or sleep in your vehicle.
Yosemite Valley:
Open: Reservation required: Upper Pines, North Pines, Lower Pines, and Camp 4Closed: None
Outside Yosemite Valley:
Open: Reservation required: Wawona, Hodgdon Meadow, Crane Flat, Porcupine Flat
Closed: Bridalveil Creek, Tamarack Flat (not opening in 2024), White Wolf, Yosemite Creek (not opening in 2024), and Tuolumne Meadows (not opening in 2024)
View estimated opening and closing dates in 2024 for all campgrounds.
Reservations are available up to five months in advance and are strongly recommended. If you don't have a reservation, get details about camping without a reservation.
Visit Yosemite Hospitality's website for lodging information (including information about Housekeeping Camp and High Sierra Camps). Reservations are available and recommended up to 366 days in advance.