March 11, 2025
Hello Wawona Residents:
Spring is fast approaching, and with it comes the Pine Needle Pickup in Wawona. Scheduled for the first week of May, beginning May 5, 2025.
To ensure efficient planning and execution, Wawona residents are required to complete a signup sheet. The signup sheet is available online at the following link:
A printable PDF version is also available and can be completed and mailed in or submitted during the event at the Wawona Library.
Additionally, staff will be on hand to answer questions, provide assistance, and collect completed signup sheets on Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 9:00 am to Noon at the Wawona Library.
For the pickup process, pine needle piles must be accessible from the edge of a county or privately maintained roadway and placed in an area free of obstructions such as water valves, utility poles, or landscaping. Woody material accompanying the piles must be incidental, less than an inch in diameter, and no longer than two feet. It's important to note that Mariposa County will not be responsible for any damage to private property obscured by pine needle piles.
Completed signup sheets can be submitted electronically by pressing the "Submit" button on the form, sent via U.S. Mail to the Public Works address provided on the form, or dropped off at the Public Works Department during normal business hours or at the Wawona Library from 9:00 am to Noon on March 22, 2025. All completed forms must be received by April 18, 2025.
Please note that this program applies exclusively to Wawona properties subject to the quarterly solid waste services fee charged by Mariposa County, as administered by the Mariposa County Public Works Department. Completion of the Pine Needle Pickup Signup Sheet is an annual requirement.
Public Works will only collect piles that are accessible from the road and WILL NOT enter private property. Mariposa County is not responsible for any damage to personal property. Please ensure pine needle piles are placed in a clear location, free of obstructions such as water valves.
PILE REQUIREMENTS: Woody material must be incidental to the pile, less than an inch in diameter, and less than two feet long. Woody material is limited to twigs and small branches that will shed with the pine needles.
Mariposa County Department of Public Works