Project Description & Overview
The Mariposa County Planning Department has received an application for aGeneral Plan/Area Plan Amendment (GP/AP) Application No. 2024-100; Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2024-101; Major Design Review Application No. 2024-102. APPLICANT: Topos Ventures LLC
Project Location:
The project site is located at 10407 Highway 49, Coulterville, CA, 95311 within the Coulterville Town Planning Area boundaries, approximately one-half mile north of the intersection of Main Street and Highway 49 in Coulterville. The site takes direct access from State Highway 49. The Assessor’s Parcel Number for the 3.49±-acre parcel is 002-220-001.
Project Description:
- Demolish and remove the motel building, office/reception/manager’s residence (AKA “Lodge”), laundry building, shop building, bathroom/shower building, mobile homes, cabin shells, and other unusable remnants of the former motel/HCD Special Occupancy Park.
- Decommission private water supply well in favor (and continued use) of municipal public water service.
- Reorganize the park layout to accommodate 25 RV pad sites. Twenty-five Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) and Housing and Community Development Department RVs (park models) will be docked at each pad and continuously hooked up; No transient RV spaces would be offered for rental.
- RV pads would be compacted gravel and would be “full hookup” with 50-amp electric pedestals, potable water supply, and 3” sewer cleanout connections.
- One (1) mobile home site will be reserved for workforce housing of no more than two (2) employees.
- Two (2) 250 sq. ft. enclosed and conditioned structures for communal gathering.
- 250 sq. ft. check-in building with “camp store” and ½ bathroom complete with electrical, water and sewer connections.
- 200 sq. ft. electric sauna and cold-plunge tank
- 800 sq. ft. pavilion for gatherings.
- Two (2) 120 sq. ft. nature viewing decks.
- 240 sq. ft. bathhouse with toilets, showers and sinks for guests.
- Space for 33 parking stalls
- New signage, landscaping and lighting meeting Coulterville Town Planning Area design standards.
- Underground domestic water, sewer collection, and electric throughout the site will feature code compliant design and construction material standards.
- Ensure compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations and standards.
There will also be ancillary uses such as two communal fire pits and a covered fire pit.
- Date: April 4, 2025
- Time: 9 a.m. (or as soon thereafter as possible)
- Place: 5100 Bullion Street, Mariposa CA. Board of Supervisors Chambers
The link to the Planning Commission Meeting April 4, 2025 Staff Report and Agenda Packet for the project will be posted here on March 29, 2025.
State Clearinghouse Number: 2025030958
This web page will be updated as the project progresses so please check back for additional information.
If you have any questions please feel free and email Steve Engfer at: sengfer@maripoascounty.org, planner