Thursday , May 16 2024

Purple Pipes in Clovis

In Clovis purple signs indicate that the water they’re using is recycled.

In the middle of a drought, you don’t see green grass and a freshly manicured lawn very often. However this land at Community Hospital, uses recycled water.

If you’ve been to community hospital in Clovis, you may have noticed the property is absolutely beautiful. Officials say that’s because they recycle.

"We help meet the cities conservation efforts so since it can’t be used for agriculture, it’s great for landscaping", says Michelle VonTerch with Community Hospital.

Lisa Cohen, Clovis Assistant Public Utilities Director says, "they can use it 7 days a week as long as they don’t have runoff and things like that".

These purple signs set up all over the property tell passer-bys that the water is recycled. Part of the cities purple pipes system.

"The campus features a lot of drought tolerant trees and shrubs and actually the grass is water resistant hybrid Bermuda which uses about 50% less water", says VonTersch.

Everyday the water treatment plant produces between 2 and 2.4 million gallons of water. As of right now only about 800 hundred thousand gallons are being used locally.

"The excess right now is going down Phantom Creek", says Cohen.

The use of the water helps the city meet the 36% percent water reduction goal. Lisa Cohen says that several farmers have expressed interest in using the water but so far none have been approved.

"Its very difficult to get it to them, they’re located far away from the transmission range", says Cohen.

The user would need to be along the transmission range, which is on the east end of town near temperance and they also must be a large enough company or organization that would make it worth the cost to construct the connection.

"Water that has been used once before and now is good for this purpose, there are no limitations on them using this water", says Cohen.

For more information on Clovis’ water recycle program;

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