Tuesday , May 21 2024

Remembering William Saroyan

Every week, KSEE 24 highlights the Valley’s Armenian community, as part of the 100th commemoration of the Armenian genocide.  This week, the spotlight is on legendary Fresno author William Saroyan, as his close friend remembers personal stories.

107 years ago, William Saroyan came into world this a literary genius and left a world renowned author.  Along the way he left a mark wherever he went, from the downtown Fresno home where he was born, to the home where he spent the last 17 years of his life and wrote nearly a dozen books.  There are pieces of William Saroyan all across Fresno, but even more are the stories from his friends, the people who knew him best and the things they remember most.

His name is one of Fresno’s most famous, and William Saroyan’s legacy lives on all over the city where he grew up.  To many he’s a legend, a famous author who wrote largely about life as an Armenian American in Fresno, but for Edward Hagopian most of all, Saroyan was a friend.

Hagopian and Saroyan had many things in common when they first met in 1960.  They both had strong ties to Fresno where Saroyan grew up, they were both living in Paris at the time and they were both Armenian.

"First last and always he was an Armenian.  He was very proud that he was Armenian."

At 93 years old, Hagopian still remembers the friendship the two shared so long ago.  Sure, Saroyan was a world famous author and Pulitzer prize winning playwright, but better yet Hagopian says he was funny, friendly, unpredictable and one of a kind.

"He was a very fascinating character.  He had multiple personalities.  He was eccentric."

Hagopian says Saroyan was very closed off after being traumatized as a young child.  He was living in a bay area orphanage when his father passed away.

"He was three years old when his father died and he used to go down to the gates of this orphanage and wait for his father who never came."

That pain turned productive and Saroyan eventually made a huge name for himself, becoming one of the most prominent literary figures of the 20th century.  The city where he came into and left this world now pays homage to his life with the Saroyan Theater downtown, the William Saroyan Elementary school in Northwest Fresno and his last home on Griffith Street honored as an historic place.

"Certainly he deserves it.  He deserves a hell of a lot more."

Hagopian says Saroyan helped make Fresno; impacting and inspiring the city, but more importantly bringing pride and hope to the Armenian community.

"It makes me feel proud that I knew the man," says Hagopian.

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