Instagrams shifting to rectangles, messing up your perfect, square grid

Instagrams shifting to rectangles, messing up your perfect, square grid
By: Mashable Posted On: January 18, 2025 View: 26

Your perfect grid on your Instagram profile might soon be gone — if it isn't already.

Instagram is rolling a big change this weekend: rectangles instead of squares. That means your carefully curated grid could be a mess as the dimensions of the content shift on your profile.

"I know some of you really like your squares. And square photos are sort of the heritage of Instagram," Instagram chief Adam Mosseri said in an Instagram story. "But at this point, most of what’s uploaded, both photos and videos, are vertical in their orientation. And it just is a bummer to overly crop them. I know it's a change. I know it's a bit of a pain, but I think it's a transitional pain."

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That change is apparently creating some havoc already on grids everywhere. What once was a perfect image created by squares is a jumbled mess. Lots of folks noticed their favorite artists' Insta pages now looked odd, for instance.

Instagram has been warning of this change for some time now. It began testing vertical grids in August and now it appears the change is really coming for everyone.

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