Tuesday , May 14 2024

Residents Turning To Landscaping Alternatives

Many residents are making their yards more water efficient in order to contribute to California’s mandatory water regulations. Some homeowners have taken out their lawns to put in paving stone and plants that are more water efficient.

"A lot of paving stones, landscaping with decorative rock… more drought tolerant products," said Todd Rosenbalm. He is the owner of Rosenbalm Rockery. He’s owned the business for over twenty years and says he’s never seen so many people looking to change out their lawns.

"Everybody seems to be on the conservative side of saving water and reducing water waste and putting in landscape that’s low maintenance and water resistant products," Rosenbalm said.

A homeowner believes having a yard that is more water efficient will increase his chances of selling the house sooner because of the current water use restrictions. Craig Howell said "When you have the turf in there and certain plants that absorb a lot of water it gets really expensive. I’m glad I did it when I did cause it’s really paying off."

Howell has turf in the backyard along with shrubs, low pressure sprinklers and sago palms all around the home, using a lot less water on his lawn.

"They’re even reducing the square footage of grass they have by adding decomposed grass. They’re reducing it 30 to 40 percent to help conserve water and still have a little patch of grass," Rosenbalm said. Because they know that without much rain, California’s water drought will only worsen.

A realtor said water efficient lawns have not changed the value of homes much just yet but it’s likely they will by the end of the year.

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